Local Search Gold Package

Local Search – Gold

Our Local Search Gold package offers a comprehensive and advanced strategy to get your business off the ground, including a full website audit, setup Google My Business, Bing Local, Yelp listing, Yellow Pages listing, and much more. On-Page optimization for 20 pages includes copywriting 9 pages with 350 words per page, meta-tag optimization, and local schema implementation. Off-Page optimization includes monthly contributions of four article placements on a magazine/news site, one blog post content, PDF creation and submission, two blog post outreach, Citation Building and Rank Building, and one video creation submitted to 3 sites.

First Month: Campaign Setup and Optimization

Account Research and Prep
  • Website Audit
  • Pages Optimized (20 pages)
  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Grouping
  • Keyword Mapping
Local Business Setup
  • Google My Business Creation
  • Yelp Listing Creation
  • Bing Local Creation
  • Yellow Pages Creation
  • 10 Additional Business Listings
On-Page Optimization
  • SEO Road Map
  • Blog Creation
  • Webpage Copywriting (9 pages, 350 words per page)
  • Title Tag Optimization (20 titles)
  • Meta Description Optimization (20 meta descriptions)
  • Meta Keyword Optimization (20 meta keywords)
  • Domain Redirect Optimization
  • .xml Sitemap Optimization
  • Robots.txt Check
  • URL Rewrites (20 URL rewrites)
  • Broken Link Report
  • Google Analytics Check & Installation
  • Google Search Console Check & Installation
Rich Snippet Recommendations
  • Breadcrumbs
Local Schema Implementation
  • Local Business Information Schema (Phone, Address, Business Name, Opening Hours)
  • Map Schema
  • Product Information Schemas
  • Images and Logo schemas
Initial Off-Page SEO
  • Magazine/News Placement (2 articles)
  • Blog Post Outreach (1 article)

Monthly (Starting from Month 2): Off-Page SEO, Citation Building, and Rank Building

We provide guaranteed blog outreach and magazine placement through our partner magazine sites and blog networks. Each article placement and outreach is ensured to be contextually related to the client’s site to provide the most ranking boost.

For local, we also create rich-media citations for the local businesses. These citations are carefully selected based on their niche relevancy, regional relevance, trust ratings, domain authority, and other factors such as the type of the listing and what sites use their data.

  • Blog Post Outreach (2 articles)
  • Magazine/News Placement (4 articles)
  • On-Site Blog Post Content (1 articles)
  • 10 Additional Local Citations
  • PDF creation and submission
  • Video Creation and Submission (submitted to 3 sites)

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